
Patron Feature - Ish Holmes

Being born in the Philippines and raised as a military brat, I was exposed to multiple cultures and delicious, bold flavors from around the world as a kid. The running joke when my parents would host parties at the house was that the United Nations was coming together.

We had every type of food imaginable at these gatherings. And on the regular, my Filipina mom and Black American dad from the South made sure there was no shortage of filling, amazing meals at home.

So, it’s strange to me that it’s taken me so long to arrive at a deep interest in food on my own journey through life.

Side note: it may have taken this long because I’m what people might call a Renaissance Soul. I have virtually unlimited interests, and my professional life reflects that. I went to school for accounting. Then for fine arts. Then for advertising. Then real estate. 

I’ve worked in marketing, fashion, and technology. I’ve owned a cleaning business, a printing business, a photography studio, a design agency, etc.

But, back to food. Something happened that made my relationship with it unignorable for me.

Prior to the pandemic, I cooked for myself maybe once per month. I was working long hours, and was always on the go, and my “fast food” choices became poorer and poorer as I got busier and busier. 

Over time, I gained a lot of weight and felt myself becoming addicted to the processed foods I’d grown so accustomed to eating. For nearly two decades, I poisoned my body with bad choices, undoing all of the wonderful, nutritional food I grew up eating with my family.

At the height of the pandemic, it finally caught up to me.

At the beginning of 2021 I was feeling worse than I ever had in my life. I had extremely low energy, lack of mental clarity and focus, bouts of dizziness, lots of aches and pains, and just a general unwellness. When I finally went to the doctor for a solution, I was diagnosed with prediabetes, high cholesterol, and vitamin deficiency.

I finally began to really, seriously cook nutritious foods for myself (and research everything imaginable). Since that diagnosis I’ve become determined to reverse these conditions through cooking and eating better food that’s still as flavorful and enjoyable as possible.

I enrolled in culinary school to sharpen my skills, started growing my own food, started experimenting daily at home with plant-forward dishes, and joined this community to learn more about food, nutrition education for underserved communities, and the art of cookery.

My goal is to eventually develop the skills and platform to help others take control of their health and well being through learning to grow and cook food that excites and nourishes them. I’m calling this project Flavors right now, and am excited to see if it becomes a cookbook, after school program for kids, community garden project, or all of the above.

Instagram: @ishholmes

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Ish Holmes - Salad.jpeg

Chris Massamba | Patron Feature

Every month, I will feature the work and story of one of my Patrons. This month, I’m introducing you to Chris Massamba!

My name is Chris Massamba, I was born in Congo, raised in Paris and worked in the UK. I am currently travelling across Central and South America to build my cultural knowledge of the different countries culinary traditions especially within the indigenous and Afro-descendants communities.

I am a registered nutritional therapist, the work within my consultation platform is to help people gain a greater understanding of their bio-individual nutritional needs and digestive capacities in order to remedy some of their underlying chronic symptoms and optimise their overall physical and mental performance. So I create unique individualised protocols which includes personalised diet, selected nutritional supplementation and lifestyle optimisations plans. 

I’m also a professional chef with over 25 years of chef experiences. I have worked professionally in restaurants and hotels in Paris and London. I have crafted my skills by also self-learning and studying the work of well-known chefs such as Alain Passard, Michel Roux and Matthew Kenney.

Over 20 years ago I transitioned my diet to a plant-based (raw and vegan) due to several health challenges which lead me to study nutrition in order to gain a core understanding of the science of food and biology. 

My core philosophical culinary standing is to creatively extract and optimise the health benefits of each ingredients, so to have a greater nutritional impact. 

I have experimented with these principles by establishing various projects (Food market trucks, Raw and Vegan Food Supper Clubs and workshops), which lead me to gain major media features in newspaper and TV (Evening Standard, Channel 4 river cottage, Guardian).

More recently he was invited to Colombia, as a Guest Chef at the International Book Festival of Cali, to design and deliver a menu that represents a cross junction between some of the African and South American culinary traditions.

I have admired the work of Charles Michel ever since I saw him on the Netflix Program “The Final Table.” I’m delighted to have met him and to be present in his platform to learn about the crucial need to educate the mass on the absolute need to be engaged in establishing a greater sustainable food system which has at his core the welfare of the planet and the individual.

Instagram @chris_sundiata_massamba 

I had the pleasure of meeting Chris Massamba for dinner in Bogotá a few weeks ago! I first met Chris virtually at the Sustainability & Privilege UnConference hosted by @charlesxmichelpatrons in January, when he wowed the audience with an eye-opening comparison of seeing culture as water. It meant so much to me to share a plant-based meal at @casa_lelyte with Chris, and to glean his wisdom at the intersection of culinary, science, spirituality, and nutrition. So grateful for the relationships made and fostered through Patreon!

Chris Massamba

Chris Massamba

Me and Chris

Me and Chris

Jenny Mavromatidou | Patron Feature

Every month, I will feature the work and story of one of my Patrons. This month, I’ll introduce you to one of my mentees, Jenny Mavromatidou!

I live in Thessaloniki, Greece with my 10-year-old daughter. I am a molecular geneticist and have a PhD in medicine, with a specialization in renal genetics. Renal disease is highly associated with the amount of nutrition we receive from our diets, and I noticed through my research how much more improved patients’ lives were when food culture and education were introduced. Because of this, I got my chef’s degree and co-founded a renal clinic, which I have been administrator of for the last 11 years.

I have recently created the “Niftyroots” food culture concept to provide a loving, safe environment for children to learn fundamental food education and to understand how their eating influences our precious planet. After all, it’s our children from whom change shall come! This knowledge helps kids—as well as their family and friends—how to better respect nature, food, soil, ingredients, flavors and recipes. It is my hope to create an in-person school one day soon to give home to my nifty dream.

I consider myself blessed and lucky to be mentored in this journey by the amazing human being, Charles Michel, whose giant heart and deep knowledge in food education made it possible for me to believe in my dream and speak from the heart!

Instagram @niftyroots  | Facebook Nifty Roots  

Jenny surprised us with incredible food creations and presentations during Live Cooking Classes in past months! When we started the Mentorship programme, I was so inspired by her expertise and vision to lift up food education for health.

I feel blessed to know you Jenny! And honoured to be able to support your journey. The work you are doing is what the world needs more of!

I sometimes have to pinch myself… what an inspiring Community we are weaving 🙏

Jenny Mavromatidou

Jenny Mavromatidou

Roli Schreffel | Patron Feature

Every month, I will feature the work and story of one of my Patrons. We’ll start with Roli - OG Patron since January 2019!

My name is Roli Schreffel (@roli.schreffel), and I am 34 years old, born and living in Arad, Romania. I have been a dental technician since 2005. I cook only as a hobby and have never been in a professional kitchen, but I dream one day I will. A few months ago I started a small business with my own homemade hot sauce @128hotsauce, which is made with only fresh and natural ingredients. I joined Charles on Patreon on the first day he posted this project on Instagram and have learned many things from him.

I hope to taste Roli’s food one day! He has such a knack for plating with whimsy, sophistication, and simplicity.

Roli Schreffel

Roli Schreffel